Convert disillusioned clients into enthusiastic supporters

With the help of ML/NLU, mfluence combines several conversational chat features to create rapid customer touchpoints, engage them with a personalised experience, and provide your live chat operators with the context they need to address your customers' requirements immediately.

Live chat

Get ready. Be accessible.

Never allow your clients feel ignorant when using your website, app, or any other platform; mfluence contacts them right away. Have too many discussions happening on at once? Discover the conversation statuses, decide which ones need the most attention, and set priorities. Discover the real-time stats so you can allocate conversations to your employees swiftly and keep your customers' needs in mind.

A Bot Formula

Reduce Conflict in Your Conversation

By striking up a discussion, extending a warm welcome, and concluding the interaction in a meaningful way, you may create a smooth customer experience. Speaking with a new guest? Gather their email address, provide your product suggestions, solicit comments, and more. When a customer answers, the bot saves all of those responses as variables for later use, ensuring that your agents are constantly up to date on the situation.

Multilingual Bot

Make Your Clients Feel Welcome

Avoid making your live chatbot sound impersonal. Speak to your audience in their language to keep the dialogue moving. About 20+ languages are supported by mfluence. Expand your consumer base, offer a personalised customer experience, expand your geographic reach, and boost your company ROI. First and foremost, remove the linguistic barrier.

NLP ft. Machine Learning

Recognize everything. as if a human

Mfluence is based on ML and NLP/NLU, which can understand even colloquial speech from your consumers. All by itself, it gathers useful data, handles typical customer problems, links users to the appropriate agents, and much more. Your human agents may spend time concentrating on critical duties until the bot doesn't comprehend an inquiry. That's a rare, we wager.